Communication is key for all aspects of every day life. It is even more so in the security industry.
Communication comes in many forms. Written, different languages – spoken, and body language. Often times body language isn’t thought about perhaps as highly as it should be.
Within the Security field, body language is often a key indicator of things that could or are happening.
Watching people is a necessary and important part of security. Observing the way people move, how they stand, where their hands are is an important part of the job.
To begin – hands. Watching the hands is often a huge indicator of things to happen. If an attack is going to happen, it almost always starts with the hands. Basically all weapons (or all likely weapons) are held with the hands. Even if they don’t have a weapon, more often then not, a person who is threatening a physical attack by bodily force, will start with their hands.
If their hands are tucked in their jacket or pockets, and the person is exhibiting other suspicious signs (looking around, sweating in cooler temperatures, wearing a jacket when its hotter), it may be cause for concern.
Words and what the person is saying is also obviously extremely important. This one basically needs no explanation. If a person says they’re going to do something, in security, you really need to take that at face value and react accordingly. Whether it be responding in a calm verbal manner and calming the individual down, or having the person removed – depending on the situation, different actions will apply.
In a video online this past week, a girl was talking to security in an aggressive manner. In this case, Security responded by jumping up and down (in a boxing manner) and spoke aggressively back. Next, a member of the security team walks by this women and pushes her in the face. Clearly acting out in this fashion is obviously ill advised and can be cause for criminal assault charges and possible law suit.
The women responds with more aggressive talking and taking a swipe at Security’s head and hair. Security then spins around and the fight is on. She quickly and aggressively attacks the women and her security counterpart joins in and it isn’t long before one of them stomps on the women’s head and places her in an unconscious state.
Clearly in this particular instance, there are a lot of things that can be done differently. For starters, if an individual is communicating in an aggressive verbal manner, the best bet is to calm them down and remove them from the scene as quickly as possible before things escalate.
Responding in the same manner and resorting to violence is a definite liability and is sure to cause more of a problem.
This is an instance where Security needs to practice patience. Security must act stronger and more resilient and display a thicker skin. Allowing things to get to you is one of natures greatest fall backs.
Being headstrong and being the ‘bigger person’ can get you a lot further – especially in security. Patience truly is a virtue and will definitely pay out in the end. Winning the battle isn’t always the important factor as much as winning the war is. So at the end of the day, just because you feel defeated by some individual causing a scene, maintain your patience and credibility so that you ultimately maintain your job. These are the most important things (and most often the things that get sacrificed at the extent of a lack of patience).
Remember by responding in a violent and aggressive manner – whether it be verbally or physically or both, often leads to the situation escalating. If Security routinely responded in this negative fashion, especially in todays climate – the amount of lawsuits would be astronomical.
Remaining calm and keeping a level head is imperative not only to keeping your Security licence, but for the future of the company you are representing.
So in future – Breath. Stop, and think. What are the reactions to my actions? Will this impede my job or perhaps be grounds for my dismissal? Could this put my company or myself at legal risk? Am I over reacting?
Being able to take a step back and think before you start throwing that first punch is integral. Actions generally speak louder then words, and not always in a good way.
Guest Blogger Rayna Davies
Rayna Davies is a graduate and practitioner of Business Management. She has developed an expertise in blogging, covering subjects like travel, world events and security. Having grown up with a father who has developed an expertise in Physical Security and Executive Protection in the RCMP and two major corporations, she has personally observed and experienced many security details. These experiences have included personally meeting HM Queen Elizabeth, Prime Minister Jean Chretien and many celebrities. She presently assists Sentinel Security in Executive Protection workshops and guest blogging and also assists Gloprosec Preventative Services in Intelligence gathering and Business Administration. Her passions include World travel, having visited every continent. She currently is on maternity leave and providing daily close protection for a baby and a toddler and spending time with her husband who is a Police Officer.