Don’t Settle for Guess work – Leave it to the Pros
As the calendar creeps closer and closer to Christmas, some days passing at the speed of light, while others seemingly dragging on into oblivion.
Life keeps throwing more and more on top.
The daily task lists feel like they grow longer each day.
With Christmas and all that goes with it, we keep looking for anything and everything sometimes that will help even slightly ease the burden.
The last few years – at least on the surface – haven’t been the kindest.
However here we are – still standing.
Some of us admittedly aren’t in the greatest of shape, and some of us have managed to get by relatively unscathed.
But we’ve at least so far emerged on the other side.
With this said, we all know what its like when we have an opportunity to take a break.
To either sit something out, or take an opportunity to delegate to someone else.
Allowing us the time and space to look after ourselves. Even if only momentarily.
When it comes to all the little details to make something special – whether it be an event, an occasion, or what have you – ensuring you have the right people, places, and things can be integral to the success of whatever it is you have going on.
If you’re planning an event with food – you ensure you have a caterer in place.
When it comes to venues – you pick the one that suits your needs the best.
Location, accessibility, parking, capacity – all on their own, relatively minor details that make up one big important picture.
You wouldn’t leave either decision up to someone that doesn’t have knowledge of the business or industry.
You want to take the guess work out of the things that may be even slightly out of your comfort zone.
Eliminate the potential stress of the areas that lay just outside of your level of expertise.
This is what professionals are for.
Let them do what they do best.
And when it comes to security – we know a thing or two to say the least.
Having been through all the highs and lows that this batch of the 20’s has thrown our way.
Working our way through the glitz and glamour of film festivals, high class events, top rated hotels and restaurants.
And seeing the things through the front lines of hospitals, health care facilities, and more.
We’ve seen some things.
We’ve done some things.
We know some things.
Since our evolution we have run a serious gauntlet.
The things we’ve learned, the places we’ve been, and the people we’ve met – we will be eternally grateful for.
Without all of that, we wouldn’t be where we are now and we certainly wouldn’t be who we are now.
So when it comes time to plan an event and you get to the part about the safety of your venue, the well being of your guests, the protection of your belongings – skip the guess work.
Leave it for the people – the professionals – that know best.
While you’re at it – if you’re in the midst of your planning stages and have questions about anything event related, or even need recommendations, we’re happy to help.
Being in this industry, we’ve picked up some friends along the way.
We work with some of the best in the industry and are happy to point you in the right direction.
The security industry is our world – we know the ins, the outs, and all around.
Keep the guess work out of the area’s that you don’t know and leave it to the professionals.
Let us do what we do best.
Guest Blogger Rayna Davies
Rayna is the Office Manager at Sentinel Security, as well as the main blog contributor.
With foundations firmly routed in Business administration, Customer Service, and Management, she brings years of experience to her roles both within the Sentinel office, and the blog.
Having grown up with a father who has developed an expertise in Physical Security and Executive Protection in the RCMP and two major corporations, she has personally observed and experienced many security details. These experiences have included personally meeting HM Queen Elizabeth, Prime Minister Jean Chretien and many celebrities.
Her passions include spending time with her husband and two young children, world travel, reading, writing, and pushing herself to always look for the silver lining.