Lights, Camera, Action
Another year has quickly passed, and here we are again… this week we gear up for another Toronto International Film Festival.
For some, this is two weeks of the ultimate in red carpet adventures, celeb spotting, and rubbing elbows with some of the biggest in Hollywood – without even leaving our own backyard.
Its fancy dresses, and black ties. Martini’s, high rollers, and exclusive dinner menus.
Its putting the everyday aside and aligning ourselves with some of the elite.
For others, its nothing more than the beginning of the school year. Bracing yourself for the onslaught of boxed lunches, homework, early nights and earlier mornings. School bus runs and extra curriculars. Living everyday to make it to the weekend.
And then, there is us. The security industry. While we deal with major events the entire year through, especially during holiday season, TIFF is its own beast.
The Toronto International Film Festival is special. It means devoting a certain amount of time, effort, and energy into cultivating what is one of the most busiest and hectic two weeks of a event security guards life during the year.
That certain amount of time and energy means that for two weeks, security companies have literally spent the prior 50 preparing.
And at the end of the two weeks? Preparations begin again for the next year.
Its a never ending circle of excitement, hardworking, and dedication.
This two weeks is full of early starts, and later finishes. Long days, and a lot of movement. Its everything that the average person looks for and thinks of when thinking of TIFF.
Its keeping an eye out for celebrities, watching them, ensuring their well being.
Its formal dress – all day long.
Its fancy dinner parties – and ensuring they are well enjoyed and safe.
Its flashbulbs and paparazzi and making sure they keep a comfortable distance.
Its red carpets, receiving lines, film premieres and interviews.
Its being among the elite, among the highly celebrated, and among the starstruck.
Its a culture clash of all worlds combined. Its a thrill.
The excitement of TIFF is real. The build up is real. The hardwork? That – is the realest part of it all.
For some in event security, you’re waking up early in the morning – prepping yourself for a full day, and full night ahead while hastily drinking as much coffee as you can to help get you fully pumped and prepared for the day.
You’re preparing yourself by pouring over your notes, floor plans, layouts, schedules. Venues, events, A-listers in attendance. Who to watch for, and who to allow in, or prevent from entering. Lining everything up in neat columns in your mind so that no detail is missed. This is as important as the shine on your shoes and a freshly pressed tie.
Everything ironed out, smoothed and well calculated.
As important as its is for these celebrities to look good, its just as important for Security to look good.
Working such a reputable and highly publicized event means that all details, big and little, are seen. They are seen and they are scrutinized.
Ensuring you are on point, and look on point are key factors to success.
Everything you do, say, and how you look, can greatly factor into the success of your career for future TIFFs, and future high powered events.
Every event is almost like an exciting new job interview for a prospective partnership a year from now.
The harder you work, the better you look, the more you stand out – the bigger the success. Which is true for all aspects of life – but in this industry especially.
For those of you preparing for back to school – knowing that everyday is more or less more of the same – we salute you. Making your way through each day, planning your day around bus schedules and basketball. Its a marathon of making it through another school year.
For those of you dusting off your sequins and fancy shoes to hopefully rub shoulders with the elite – we look forward to seeing you.
And for those of you picking your suit up from the dry cleaners, pressing and cleaning your ties, polishing your shoes and preparing for some of the longest work days of your year? We’re there with you. Polishing, pressing, and mentally preparing for another hugely exciting year. Its a sprint to the finish, but we got this.
Guest Blogger Rayna Davies
Rayna Davies is a graduate and practitioner of Business Management. She has developed an expertise in blogging, covering subjects like travel, world events and security. Having grown up with a father who has developed an expertise in Physical Security and Executive Protection in the RCMP and two major corporations, she has personally observed and experienced many security details. These experiences have included personally meeting HM Queen Elizabeth, Prime Minister Jean Chretien and many celebrities. She presently assists Sentinel Security in Executive Protection workshops and guest blogging and also assists Gloprosec Preventative Services in Intelligence gathering and Business Administration. Her passions include World travel, having visited every continent.