Opening up – Looking Towards Brighter Days
The curve is looking hopeful.
It looks to be flattening and its looking like all of our efforts are starting to pay off.
With that being said, of course there is still risk.
But with our due diligence, care, and continued efforts to social distance, we may just be able to get ahead of this – as a team – once and for all.
In the meantime, we will take the small steps to move forward and open up the world gradually.
In the next week and months to come, more businesses will look to take the steps to reopen.
Provided that everyone follows the amended rules and sticks to the guidelines that are given, we can continue to move in a forward direction.
While it has been said that a second wave can be expected, if we continue to take the precautions we’ve been taking, perhaps we can soften the blow and lessen the effects that this proposed second wave could carry.
What does this mean for we as people right now?
We carry on with social distancing. We limit our exposure to others and try to stay at home as much as possible.
We limit trips to the store and possibly use curbside pick up where available.
We embrace our homes and our families and enjoy this time we’ve been given to be with them more.
As the world slowly opens, we move slowly with the world.
And as a Security Company, we will be here, moving with everyone else.
As we’ve stepped into grocery stores, banks, home improvement stores, drug stores, and other ‘Essential businesses’, we’re happy and prepared to take the further steps necessary to help out with this next wave.
We’re happy to help out with this next batch of Essential businesses that are slowly transitioning back into the economy and back into our lives.
We’ve moved from a company that helps out with Events, Red Carpets, and High Profile Engagements, to a company that ensures your safety when you leave the comfort and safety of your house to get a bag of milk, stock your pantry, or work on that to do list you’ve never been able to get around to until now.
As the next round of businesses move to open, we are ready.
We’ve been learning and growing with this Pandemic. Learning how Security needs to respond and should respond. Where our talents are best utilized. And how Customer Service will still speak volumes of our work.
We’re all in this together and being given the opportunity to work through these times has made us incredibly thankful.
With the time spent learning, adapting, and working with others during these times, we can seamlessly step in to help these new businesses take their first shaky steps into what has become a very uncertain world.
The better prepared we can be throughout the extent of this Pandemic, the quicker, better, and easier we will make it through.
While trying to rush this process may feel like the best option to get us to the other side – rushing will only make things go slower.
So lets take things slow and work together to get past this next portion of the curve.
Just because we still need to be at least six feet apart, doesn’t mean our group dynamic has changed, or that we can’t walk side by side you to ensure that safety, and health are kept a priority.
We are still here, still together, and still ready to help.
Together we will keep moving forward.
Guest Blogger Rayna Davies
Rayna Davies is a graduate and practitioner of Business Management. She has developed an expertise in blogging, covering subjects like travel, world events and security. Having grown up with a father who has developed an expertise in Physical Security and Executive Protection in the RCMP and two major corporations, she has personally observed and experienced many security details. These experiences have included personally meeting HM Queen Elizabeth, Prime Minister Jean Chretien and many celebrities. She presently assists Sentinel Security in Executive Protection workshops and guest blogging and also assists Gloprosec Preventative Services in Intelligence gathering and Business Administration. Her passions include World travel, having visited every continent.