As it is probably very much common knowledge – Sentinel started as a small boutique Security firm in the heart of Yorkville years ago now.
The team was small but the heart and the dreams were big.
Over time, we’ve been through a lot of things, growth probably being one of the biggest.
Our team grew bigger, but so did our hearts and so have our dreams – that will never change.
Throughout all of these, the core team at the very heart of Sentinel has for the most part, remained unchanged.
Sure we have lost a couple along the way as you do in the business world – and each loss has hit on an emotional level and a physical level.
Today we are saying ‘see you later’ to two more pieces of the Sentinel heart.

Saying See You Later to some Familiar Faces
I will start with Beata.
Beata has seen basically every aspect that a Sentinel role has to offer.
From working her way up the front lines, to Close Protection, to Client Services and a member of our Office Team.
She’s managed teams, events, and more recently, managed one of our biggest clients to date.
During her time working as part of the office team, we were able to grow closer together and bring the power of a women’s touch to a man’s world.
She is the epitome of heart. She wants nothing but the best for those around her, and those we serve. Constantly going above and beyond her normal scope of duty to ensure the utmost happiness and contentment from our clients.
She constantly strived for the best and expected the same from those below her.
Like a mother protecting her cubs she was fiercely loyal to those around her and while in her role she had to coach and mentor those in her circle to meet the expectations set up by the client, she would also be quick to have any and all of their backs should the occasion come up.
Dedication exemplifies her spirit.
Without a shadow of a doubt, I can say a lot of her days were longer and more gruelling than others. However she stepped up to the challenge and owned her role.
Beata is moving on in her journey and the Sentinel family will miss her immensely.
While in this field we never want to say good bye, we are saying ‘See you Later’ to Beata and wish her all the best in this next chapter of her life.
Next, and Finally, we say ‘See you Later’ to one more.
Michael ‘Mike’ Reventar.

Saying See You Later to some Familiar Faces
Personally, I look back with fondness over the time I’ve gotten to know Mike.
From assisting with the CP workshop he was on, to that fateful day in the back of a Panera Bread where I sat down with Mike and Constantine to discuss the life I now live as part of the Sentinel family.
Mike wore many hats of his time here, and we can truly say that the Sentinel you see today – everything from our websites, imaging, media, branding, and dreams – Mike helped build this.
Mike has a way with words like no other.
While some might say his super power was to harness electrical energy, those that work with him will know his super powers go far beyond that.
His way of capturing you with his spirit of conversation alone was unlike anyone else I know.
He too ran the gauntlet of the Sentinel spectrum before embarking on one of our newest dreams with The Arena.
Mike is a thinker, a dreamer, and a doer.
He brought dreams to life.
He has touched every aspect of Sentinel and his departure will not go unnoticed.
His team, his peers, and his clients will miss him immensely.
Both Beata and Mike are true Sentinels.
Passionate, dedicated dreamers that helped bring – and keep – the Sentinel spirit alive.
Moving into 2023 without them running among our ranks will be felt emotionally and physically among all that have had the privilege to work with them.
We are excited as they move on to the next step of their hopes and dreams and wish them all the best in their futures.
Guest Blogger Rayna Davies
Rayna is the Office Manager at Sentinel Security, as well as the main blog contributor.
With foundations firmly routed in Business administration, Customer Service, and Management, she brings years of experience to her roles both within the Sentinel office, and the blog.
Having grown up with a father who has developed an expertise in Physical Security and Executive Protection in the RCMP and two major corporations, she has personally observed and experienced many security details. These experiences have included personally meeting HM Queen Elizabeth, Prime Minister Jean Chretien and many celebrities.
Her passions include spending time with her husband and two young children, world travel, reading, writing, and pushing herself to always look for the silver lining.