Looking after yourself is important. More then that – its critical to your well being.
Setting goals and taking the steps to achieve them is an integral part of the growing process.
Little things. Leading to actions – which lead to steps – which result in goals being met and crushed.
Now consider this – We are not on this planet alone. There are others, and others are watching. Little eyes, big eyes. The things we do, the actions we take – someone, somewhere, is taking notice.
This applies to our jobs, our families, our friends – everything.
Even on the days and in the moments we feel alone, we can very well be crossing someones mind.
This gives us value – and worth. Purpose.
So if what we’re doing matters, and others are watching – we need to be mindful.
Mindful of our actions and mindful for our goals.
We need to understand that we may be used as an example for others.
In a family setting, this is easy. Adults know that the youth follow in our footsteps and they look to us for guidance. Sometimes it may take a while to instil the lessons we are trying to teach and see the progress – especially for smaller children.
Sometimes it seems that the things we don’t want them to notice or learn, our bad habits, our slip ups, these they learn the quickest. But rest assured those little eyes are still watching every little move. Even when they’re not. They know. And one day you turn around and all those little things you were trying to ingrain are suddenly materializing. All of a sudden you’re filled with the pride of knowing that you met your personal goal of accomplishing something for yourself, but you’ve also accomplished something for those watching and learning. You set a positive example and created a successful path for someone else in the process.
This also applies in the grown up world and in adult settings.
Teaching others your skills and aspects of your job may seem mundane and just part of the daily grind.
However if you take these tasks and make them exceptional. Make them hold more value and worth then what someone else may give them – you’re creating something great for yourself, and for those that follow behind you.
If you take a task and make it exciting, turning it into something that seems more worthwhile, you can potentially take more enjoyment in completing it, and will most certainly make it something more then nothing for those that aren’t as familiar.
It may not always be possible to turn something boring into something exciting, but even the act of trying can be a noble cause. Keeping in mind that you always have eyes on you, and thoughts around you. When others are watching and seeing you succeed, you are motivating them to do the same.
Setting a positive example and being a roll model is not always an easy task – but it is an important one.
So if in a family setting it means developing the youth into a greater and stronger generation, in a work or adult scenario this means you’re helping build a stronger team around you. You’re setting yourself up to have others more readily available to step in when you can’t, or when you need back up. Your team grows and gains purpose. You gain respect – as does your whole team.
There can be many lights in a chandelier and if one burns out, this doesn’t mean that the chandelier isn’t able to serve its purpose or complete the job. But its not as effective as it was meant to be. Its not as powerful as it could be. Its not as bright as it should be.
When we work together, motivate each other, lead by example – we’re creating the best possible product we can. Ensuring maximum efficiency. Our value and worth is recognized and we’re positively glowing.
Guest Blogger Rayna Davies
Rayna Davies is a graduate and practitioner of Business Management. She has developed an expertise in blogging, covering subjects like travel, world events and security. Having grown up with a father who has developed an expertise in Physical Security and Executive Protection in the RCMP and two major corporations, she has personally observed and experienced many security details. These experiences have included personally meeting HM Queen Elizabeth, Prime Minister Jean Chretien and many celebrities. She presently assists Sentinel Security in Executive Protection workshops and guest blogging and also assists Gloprosec Preventative Services in Intelligence gathering and Business Administration. Her passions include World travel, having visited every continent.